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Press Release

EIS to Use Microsoft Bot Framework to Deliver AI Services to Insurers

EIS Group, a leading provider of insurance core systems, today announced that the EIS Digital Experience Platform (DXP) has integrated with and is using Microsoft Bot Framework to deliver intelligent assistant and other artificial intelligence (AI) services to insurers that augment the skills of customer service agents and enhance direct to consumer interactions to improve the quality, speed and cost-effectiveness of customer engagement.

DXP enables the packaging of insurance products and services for digital distribution to customers and partners as high-quality, role-based omnichannel experiences. DXP connects with data and core services as a key component of a comprehensive platform for digital transformation. The adoption of Bot Framework makes it easy for DXP users to incorporate AI services into personalized marketing, selling and servicing interactions powered by DXP.

The integration of DXP and Bot Framework allows EIS clients to build and connect their own bots to customer communication channels and add cognitive skills that enable bots to see, hear, interpret and interact with users naturally wherever they are.

Users of DXP will use the Microsoft Bot Framework to:

  • Add chatbots to insurer mobile and web applications;
  • Use chatbots to assist sales and marketing interactions and turn existing chat services – SMS/text, Skype chat, Facebook messaging, Webchat, etc. – into customer service channels;
  • Create smart bots that understand customer requests and intent and recognize entities such as policies and claims;
  • Use Microsoft Cognitive Services to recognize photos of autos and other objects, identify customers by voice and understand sentiment, and access customer and industry data; and
  • Capture customer interaction data and use it to infer the next best action.

“Microsoft Bot Framework helps us meet clients’ needs to deepen customer engagement with the experience they demand,” said Fazi Zand, senior vice president of products at EIS Group. “It allows our clients to augment the skills and knowledge of staff while driving more efficient, automated workflows and accelerating the pace of their digital transformations.”

Tony Jacob, managing director, Worldwide Insurance at Microsoft Corp. said, “Significant value is being created as insurers start using intelligent chatbots to transform providing 24/7 services to customers and agents. We are pleased that EIS has integrated the Microsoft Bot Framework into its insurance digital experience platform to demonstrate the framework’s unique value to insurers and to help EIS clients expand and optimize their engagement channels.”
DXP comes with a pre-built set of EIS OneSuiteTM core service APIs spanning policy, billing, claims and customer management that are readily available for integration with Bot Framework and Cognitive Services.

EIS is demonstrating DXP web and mobile apps for policy quote and issue, endorsement and claims first notice of loss – which incorporates a bot built with Bot Framework – at the Dig | In conference in Austin, Texas on May 10.

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