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Press Release

Exigen Congratulates AAA NCNU Insurance Exchange on Celent 2013 Model Insurer Award

Exigen Insurance Solutions®, a leading global provider of core systems and business transformation to insurers, is pleased to congratulate AAA Northern California, Nevada & Utah (NCNU) Insurance Exchange, on being named a Celent 2013 Model Insurer for transitioning to a new policy administration system with effective change management.

The Insurance Exchange implemented Exigen’s PolicyCore™ and BillingCore™ solutions for its California auto business as the first phase of a larger replacement and integration project involving six legacy PAS and three legacy billing systems used by the Insurance Exchange. The Insurance Exchange offers personal lines insurance to AAA members through partnerships with AAA clubs in 23 states and Washington, DC. Nearly one million auto policy holders and 1.7 million cars in California alone are insured by the Insurance Exchange.

According to Celent’s Model Insurer 2013 report, the Insurance Exchange was chosen “for the best practices related to improved change and channel management, higher productivity and lower staff expenses, and use of standards for integration with other systems.”

“Recognition goes to leadership who identified the significance of targeted investments to enable agility and efficiency in our business by reducing complexity in our systems. Recognition also goes to those who so effectively executed the implementation by leveraging Exigen pre-configured solution packages and closely aligning business processes to standardized integration services. This allows us to rapidly add new channels and new products and services at reduced cost,” said Kim Bissell, AAA Northern California, Nevada & Utah Insurance Exchange, IT Director.

The Insurance Exchange utilized a Change Management Office and Program to ensure that the 80% of the organization affected by the introduction of the new policy administration system would receive complete, accurate and balanced information about the changes. It established a strong change champion and support network consisting of managers and supervisors, super users, support processes and tools. This included the creation of a model office/demo/training environment to allow users the opportunity to get a feel for how the new system would work.

“Working closely with our user community allowed for an excellent user adoption rate and a solid, repeatable pattern for further state product roll-outs,” commented Tracy Tillinghast, AAA Northern California, Nevada & Utah Insurance Exchange, PAS Business Owner.

The system roll-out experience exceeded expectations, says the report. Benefits include:

  • A high user adoption rate at implementation of 60%.
  • More than 2,500 staff members gained browser-based access with more than 1,000 staff using the system to quote, bind, and manage California auto policies.
  • Policies on the new PAS can be sold about 33% faster than with the old system.
  • Training new staff members is quicker because sales and service workflows and screens are the same.
  • Real-time policy servicing is quicker and more accurate because there is a single view of the customer with cleaner and more recent data.

Other benefits include increased productivity with a single sign-on, comprehensive customer searches, pre-population of data in applications, and enhanced document management and servicing functionality.

“The story of how the Insurance Exchange applied a comprehensive change management approach to its core systems modernization with Exigen’s PolicyCore and BillingCore is a real world example of the effective usage of technology,” said Karen Monks, Celent analyst and author of the report.

“We congratulate the Insurance Exchange on this prestigious industry acknowledgment,” said Gwen Spertell, president, Exigen Insurance Solutions. “Their legacy modernization program is well thought out and has benefited from best practices throughout. It has been a great pleasure to be able to support the Exchange’s quest to deliver first-class customer service from an efficient and agile multi-line platform delivering pre-configured products.”

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