This whitepaper is a joint venture between EIS and Voluntary Advantage to help brokers understand insurance terminology and its possibilities.
Press Release
Exigen Insurance Solutions Recognized in Leading Analyst Firm’s MarketScope for North American Property and Casualty Insurance Policy Management Modules
Exigen Insurance Solutions®, a leading provider of insurance core systems, today announced that it was recognized by industry analyst firm Gartner, in the firm’s report: MarketScope for North American Property and Casualty Insurance Policy Management Modules based on evaluation of PolicyCore™, the most modern and complete policy administration system for P&C insurers.*
According to Kimberly-Harris Ferrante, VP Distinguished Analyst, Gartner, and author of the report “Replacing aging and legacy policy environments will continue to be a priority among P&C insurers during the next three to five years, based on Gartner’s assessment of the market and client interactions. Business changes will force insurers to adopt new processes and to offer new functionality that is not supported in current-day systems or that can be changed easily without code rewrites.”
Exigen Insurance Solutions’ research and development focus has been on providing insurers with thoroughly modern insurance core systems, based on an advanced service-oriented architecture, that deliver business agility. The solutions provide timely product and process innovation that support flexible distribution models in new or existing markets. PolicyCore embodies this approach as a highly configurable policy administration system with the most comprehensive functionality available in a modern solution. Rating, automated underwriting, product configuration, customer account management and CRM, integrated distribution management, business rules, business process management, document generation and management are all available in a configurable and scalable solution that offers broad business value to insurers. Insurers both large and small have implemented PolicyCore in on-premise, hosted and software-as-a-service environments to improve speed-to-market and service and to reduce costs.
“The Exigen team is proud to be included in this report,” said Gwen Spertell, CEO, Exigen Insurance Solutions. “We are pleased with the strong acceptance and market momentum of PolicyCore and its recognition as a new solution that solves critical business problems that are eroding the competitiveness of P&C insurers. PolicyCore, and its suite partners ClaimCore and BillingCore, answer insurers’ needs not only for process efficiency and cost effectiveness but also vastly improved product and service delivery.”